Easter time flower delivery in Ireland by a local Irish florist

 Order Tulip Temptations flowers

Tulip Temptations

A cheerful tulip posy hand-tied featuring a variety of beautiful colours carefully selected by the local florist. Hand-delivered in a gift bag or box.

 Order Easter Florist Choice flowers

Easter Florist Choice

Let the experts work their magic with a unique Easter treat made with the freshest blooms of the day.


Celebrate Easter with flowers

That means if you can’t be with friends and family this Easter you can still share your love and thoughts. When it comes to flower choice, our florists – all of whom make and deliver their floral gift designs by hand – provide you with loads of choice at Easter. Favourite colours for flowers and the exquisite packaging you can expect when sending Direct2florist flowers include pastel blues, pretty pinks, lemon yellows or cerise and gold. However, because we encourage our florists to use their own design skills rather than dictating what they can and can’t deliver, if you have something specific in mind they will be able to create it for you. Finally, if you’re looking for something more traditional, why not opt for the exquisite white Easter lily - a pretty symbol of the resurrection and the classic flower of Easter.

 Order Eternal Charm flowers

Eternal Charm

What could be more perfect than this fabulous collection of quality flowers hand-tied and delivered in water.

 Order You`re Wonderful flowers

You`re Wonderful

A spring hand tied in a glass vase in a lovely mix of flowers and colours.

 Order Splash of Colour flowers

Splash of Colour

A vibrant gerbera posy hand-tied featuring a mix of colours carefully selected by the local florist. Hand-delivered in a gift bag or box.

 Order Sparkling Champagne flowers

Sparkling Champagne

Send luxury at its finest with this breathtaking composition made with the most desirable blooms. If you`re looking for that extra special gift with and WOW factor - You've found it!

 Order Meadow Fresh flowers

Meadow Fresh

A vibrant collection of fresh flowers with a touch of spring. Delivered in a complimentary gift box / bag.

 Order Lemon & Lime flowers

Lemon & Lime

A beautiful collection of flowers simply wrapped and ready to arrange.

 Order Sherbet Twist flowers

Sherbet Twist

This delightful collection of seasonal blooms is a beautiful way to send your affections. A pretty arrangement in a classic basket simply fizzing with joy and character.


Don't just take our word for it... See what our valued customers have to say:

“Excellent service and the flowers were really fresh and vibrant would use again.” ~

Mr Kevin Mooney