(Florist Choice) A delicious gift delivered as an addition to your floral gift.
(Florist Choice) A delicious gift, that is only available as an addition to your flower order.
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An expert artisan florist will design a hand-tied filled with the finest quality seasonal flowers, perfectly wrapped and delivered in water.
Florist Choice Handtied in Water - Flowers and packaging decided by the delivering florist.
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A glass vase filled with seasonal flowers and foliage, expertly chosen by a local independent florist.
Florist choice vase arrangement - Flowers and packaging decided by the delivering florist.
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Let the florist choose the most beautiful blooms of the day.
Florist choice.
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12 luxury red roses and fabulous foliage are all you need to make a grand romantic gesture to your sweetheart.
12 luxury red roses eg. Naomi, Explorer. Hand-tied or arranged in Oasis with choice foliage and presented in a gift bag or box.
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Coffin spray made in Reds and Creams. Please advise the florist if you would prefer an alternate colour scheme.
Single ended spray to include red and cream flowers. Suggested flowers red/white roses. Please see special instruction if alternative colour scheme is requested.
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Gorgeous pink single ended spray. A beautiful funeral tribute including pink lilies and pink roses. Please advise the florist of requested colour scheme if you would like to change it.
Single ended spray in pinks. To include pink lilies and roses. Please check special request for alternative colour scheme.
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A beautiful funeral tribute made with deluxe red roses.
Single ended spray to include best quality red roses. Please contact D2F if there any issues with product content.
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A traditional funeral piece - can be arranged in any colours suitable for a lady or gentleman.
Posy in oasis white & purple - please see special request for alternative colour scheme. (if applicable).
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Coffin spray made in pinks. Please advise the florist if you would prefer an alternate colour scheme.
Single ended spray in pinks. Suggested flowers lilies. Please see special request for alternative colour scheme.
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Mixed flowers suitable for a lady or a gentleman. Ring wreath for a funeral in creams.
Mix of flowers in cream and whites to include foliage. Please contact D2F if there are any issues.
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Mixed flowers suitable for a lady or a gentleman. Ring wreath for a funeral. Stunning array of colours in oranges, purples and pinks/reds.
Ring wreath in oasis a mix of flowers in colours of orange, purple and pink/reds.
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Let the experts create a unique bouquet using the freshest festive beautiful blooms of the day, made especially for your loved one. Please
Let the experts create a unique bouquet using the freshest festive beautiful blooms of the day, made especially for your loved one. Please Note: Images are representative. Flowers, containers and packaging may be substituted by the independent local florist delivering your order.
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A festive hand-tied filled with the seasonal flowers, perfectly wrapped by the local florist and delivered in water.
A festive hand-tied filled with the seasonal flowers, perfectly wrapped by the local florist and delivered in water.
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